Metallica Wiki
Lloyd Grant 0

Lloyd Grant is a Jamaican guitarist who played the second lead on the "Hit the Lights" demo, but technically, he was not an official member of Metallica.

In his own words, Lloyd Grant talks about Metallica:

The interviewer asks him how he "got hooked up with an iconic metal band in Metallica?"

"Me and Lars was jammin' down there in Orange County, California and we jam with a few people and we lookin' other people to jam with..." they met through The Recycler. "We were playing for a long time and he came down to my place my apartment once and he says and he keep asking me to come jam with the band, but I was really busy doing other stuff and I went down and play with them-me and him and James. That's three of us. James was playing bass, I was playing guitar and Lars was playing drums and we rehearse that "Hit The Lights" song, but way before that Lars had let me hear that song. We were hanging out watching soccer and he says "hey I met this guy blah blah blah and he's exactly what we want to jam with and he played this one song and it was great and that's how I was first was introduced to "Hit The Lights." After that I went over and jam a few times and he called me and say they gonna be in this compilation album and he brought over a tape of "Hit The Lights" recording on a four track asked me to play some solo for that and they were going to bring the four track down and they were going to bring it down and dump it on the compilation album.

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(roughly 3:30 to 6:30 is above)

